Identifying And Eliminating Rats From Your Home

Rats are bothersome pests that find their way into homes, particularly in the autumn and winter months, and can cause a significant amount of damage as well as carry disease. They are attracted by the warmth and the food sources on offer, but as they gnaw continuously to keep their teeth from becoming overgrown, they often chew through wires, water pipes, ducting and plaster. They will breed and nest in the spaces under your homes, in your walls and in roof cavities. Here's an overview of the tell-tale signs you have a rat infestation and how they can be eliminated:

Signs Of Rats In Your Home

It's common to have rats in your home and never actually see one, but there are a number of tell-tale signs to be aware of. You will hear rats running through your wall cavities and subfloor, and you may hear them scratching as they try to gain access to cupboards in search of food. If rats have managed to access your food stores, you will see holes in packaging, and as they would have been stationary for a while as they fed, the rats will have left droppings, which are shiny black with pointed ends. When rats are out in the open of your home, you will see grease marks on the walls caused by them running along the perimeter of the floor and rubbing their oily fur on the wall as they go.

Eliminating Rats

The first stage in eliminating rats from your home is identifying their entrance points, such as cracks in the masonry, unsealed vents and gaps at the bottom of exterior doors, and sealing these points. Your pest control specialist can help you identify entrance points and will inspect your entire home for signs of damage and to determine the extent of the infestation. Eradication tends to involve a two-pronged treatment approach, and your pest control specialist will use a combination of barrier insecticides and bait traps. The insecticides are used at entrance points and around the perimeter of your property, and the bait traps are used inside your home. Multiple bait traps will be laid at identified activity points and near nests, and your pest control specialist will check the bait traps regularly until it they can establish there are no new signs of activity.

If you think you have rats in your home or if you're worried about any other types of pest, schedule a pest inspection with a local pest control company as soon as possible.
